Understand how requests are coordinated

Cassandra has a masterless 「ring」 architecture that is elegant, easy to set up, and easy to maintain.

Figure 1. Cassandra sports a masterless ring architecture

What is a cluster?

  • Node: one Cassandra instance
  • Rack: a logical set of nodes
  • Data Center: a logical set of racks
  • Cluster: the full set of nodes which map to a single complete token ring

What is a coordinator?

The node chosen by the client to receive a particular read or write request to its cluster

  • Any node can coordinate any request
  • Each client request may be coordinated by a a different node
  • The coordinator manages the Replication Factor (RF)
    • Replication factor (RF) – onto how many nodes should a write be copied?
  • The coordinator also applies the Consistency Level (CL)
    • Consistency level (CL) – how many nodes must acknowledge a read or write request

What is the partitioner?

A system on each node which hashes tokens from designated values in rows being added

How does a partitioner work?

A node's partitioner hashes a token from the partition key value of a write request

What partitioners does Cassandra offer?

Cassandra offers three partitioners

  • Murmur3Partitioner (default): uniform distribution based on Murmur3 hash
  • RandomPartitioner: uniform distribution based on MD5 hash
  • ByteOrderedPartitioner (legacy only): lexical distribution based on key bytes

What are virtual nodes?

There's one token per node, and thusly a node owns exactly one contiguous range in the ringspace.Vnodes change this paradigm from one token or range per node, to many per node. Within a cluster these can be randomly selected and be non-contiguous, giving us many smaller ranges that belong to each node.

How are virtual nodes helpful?

  • token ranges are distributed, so machines bootstrap faster
  • impact of virtual node failure is spread across entire cluster
  • token range assignment automated
